Trigger Point Injection Therapy IN Seabrook TX
*Medical service is provided by licensed NP Lindsey Jones under the supervision of Dr. Jason Kouri MD.

Find targeted relief with our trigger point injection therapy in Seabrook TX. Our skilled practitioners deliver precision-based treatments to alleviate muscle knots and tension. Designed for effective pain management and enhanced mobility, our trigger point injections provide localized pain relief. Explore a personalized approach to overcoming discomfort and restoring function and mobility throughout our alternative pain relief solutions.
Trigger Point Injections in Seabrook TX
Trigger point injection is a procedure used to treat the areas of muscle that are in pain and contain trigger points or knots of muscle that are created when muscles cannot relax. It is possible to feel these knots under the skin. It is fairly common that trigger points irritate the nerves around them and cause a pain that is felt in another part of the body, known as a referred pain. Our Seabrook TX team has found that some patient complaints respond very well to this form of treatment.
The trigger point injection procedure consists of injecting a solution through a small needle into the patient's trigger point problem area. The solution contains a local anesthetic that sometimes includes a corticosteroid. When injected, the trigger point is made inactive and the pain is alleviated. Usually, a brief course of treatment will result in sustained relief. Injections are given in a doctor's office and usually take just a few minutes. Several sites may be injected in one visit. If a patient has an allergy to a certain medication, a dry-needle technique (involving no medications) can be used.
Trigger point injection is used to treat many muscle groups, especially those in the arms, legs, lower back, and neck. In addition, trigger point injection can be used to treat fibromyalgia and tension headaches. Trigger point injection is also used to alleviate myofascial pain syndrome (chronic pain involving tissue that surrounds muscle) that does not respond to other treatments. However, the effectiveness of trigger point injections for treating myofascial pain is still under study.
The team at Gulf Coast Healthcare in Seabrook TX is here to help you reach your healthcare goals. Call us for help today.
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Gulf Coast Healthcare
2825 E NASA Pkwy #100
Seabrook, TX 77586